- 1 hour
- 200
- 250
- 2 hours
- 350
- 450
- overnight
- 1200
- 1200
- Age – 25
- Height – 167
- Weight – 55
- Breast: 4
- European (white)
- Blonde
Hi!lets tell me a bit about me..... I’m an extremely lighthearted person — unafraid of intimacy in all its forms. I love to letting people into my life and experiencing something genuine with them. I truly enjoy sharing who I am, and try to do so in the most natural and honest way with everyone I meet. There’s nothing more beautiful in this world than a chance to feel free — to open up around a warm, disarming partner who lets you show yourself and discover new parts of who you are. I am a great distraction, a lovely listener, and the best dang date you’ll ever have. If you’re a man who loves and respects women, who has an open mind and heart, and who wants to make a real connection with a fellow (awesome) human being, I invite you into my world and my life — if only for an evening.